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If You are CREATIVE...


“Our task, regarding creativity, is to help children climb their own mountains, as high as possible.  No one can do more.”  

THE SPACE OLYMPIAD JUNIOR (SOJ) Competition encourages students to “Be Creative and Heard.” SOJ ask them to think about the future of Space Science technology and to creatively communicate their ideas, and we promise to make these ideas viewable worldwide.  By including the next generation in the planning of the future, the competition aims to enhance their awareness, interest in and support for Space Science technology, and to allow their ideas to begin shaping the future now.

Space Olympiad Junior


Space Olympiad Junior(SOJ) Competition invites students from 1 to 8 to submit Literary & Visual art work expressing their creativity and vision.
Their submissions are judged by our panel including artists , scientists, teachers, engineers and astronauts. The winning artwork is woven into displays
and performance designed to relay the youth artists messages to other young people and artists around around the world.


Common Prizes for both the Categories (CAT-1 & CAT-2)


1. Participation certificates for all in State level(L-1)

2. Students qualifying for National level are awarded Certificates of Excellence, COE.
3. 1st 3 rank holders of Level-2 from each school get ranking medals & certificates.*

4. Outstanding Level-2 artwork is displayed at national exhibition centres across India.

5. Best rated artworks in the national exhibition are sent to the International Humans in Space Youth Art Competition sponsored by NASA, USA


For teachers/SOJ school coordinator:- SOF diary/Coordinator's appreciation certificate.

For School:- SOF Diary for Principal / School particition certificate.

State wise best participation certificate at National Level.
State wise best performance certificate at National Level.

COE for top 10 Schools in India.


Separate Prizes for both the categories

CAT 1 (Class 1 to 6)


1. Top 3 rank holders at National level, Level-2 get cash price of INR 10,000/- each.

2. Next 10 rank holders at National level, Level-2 get cash price of INR 5,000/- each.

3.  All state toppers at National Level, to get an Astronomical Kit prize hamper.


CAT 2 (Class 6 to 12)

1. Top 3 rank holders at National level, Level-2 to visit,  Singapore on a study tour, fully sponsored by SOF  or cash prize*.

2. Next 10 rank holders at National level, Level-2 to visit,  ISRO, Bengaluru.

3.All state toppers at National Level, Level 2 to get an Astronomical Kit prize hamper. 


Attached are the following documents for hosting the state level L-1 of SOJ in school.


1. For school - School Enrolment Form (can be filled and emailed or filled online at SOJ webite).

2. For SOJ School-in-Charge - School SOJ Coordinator letter. ( instructions for conducting l-1 in school ).

3. Student Registration Sheet (SRS) :- To be filled class-wise/section-wise for L-1 participants.  

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