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About Educare
Educare India established in 2012 is working for scientific cause and holistic education for the Indian students in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Educare provides various educational International programs for the schools across the country, beyond setting up highly sophisticated Robotics labs in schools, colleges and universities.
The phenomenal annual event "SPACE OLYMPIAD". Space Olympiad is an elementary, middle, and high school team competition in which students go through a series of test pertaining to various scientific disciplines, including, earth science, Astronomy, space science technology .
Space Olympiad
The annual event "SPACE OLYMPIAD" is a platform that opens the door of limitless knowledge about the space and space explorations, for the students at UG and PG levels.
Students who excel at the regional competition advance to the state level. Winners later receive awards from certificates to medals at Level-1 and educational trips at National and International institutions of global fame involved in the field of space, Science and Technology.
Space Olympiad junior
THE SPACE OLYMPIAD JUNIOR (SOJ) Competition encourages students to “Be Creative and Heard.” SOJ ask them to think about the future of Space Science technology and to creatively communicate their ideas, and we promise to make these ideas viewable worldwide. The competition invites students from class 1 to class 12 to submit literary. VISUAL AND LITERARY ART work expressing their vision. Their submissions are judged by our panel including artists, scientists, teachers, engineers, astronauts and others. The winning artwork is woven into displays and performances designed to relay the youth artists’ messages to other young people and adults around the world.